Sunday, March 30, 2008


My hair matches my shirt.

That is fucking AWESOME.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ah, the first blog entry. What to say?

I really don't know.

I'm procrastinating on everything - homework, practicing (which is bad. I have a lesson on monday, and my flute instructor scares me shitless)

caring about life in general.

Actually, I'm working a bit on that last one. Things have been better now that spring break is over and I'm back at school. AWAY from my family.

We'll discuss why being away from my family is a good thing for me another time.

So, I'm sitting here right now, waiting for my friend to call me so that we can dye my hair purple (I've wanted purple hair since I was ten. I'm ecstatic it's finally happening!) and looking at all the crap on my desk. I have way too many fucking books. And the fact that my english professor lends me 3494857 books every other time I go into his office doesn't really help my situation. I'm reading seven different books at the moment. Two of them I've been reading since October - which is just sad. But they're both by Danielewski. His stuff is a complex read, and it always takes me forever to finish one of his books. I love his writing to death though - he's a fucking genius and I want to have his babies. The Raw Shark Texts and Demon Theory are just for entertainment. So I'm not putting too much thought into them when reading. And I'm reading a book of plays by Henrik Ibsen, and a collection of poems by Laurie Sheck (I love this woman. Her words are beauty in letters). Coming Out in College is a book my english professor suggested I look into for my argumentative paper (I'm researching why it's easier for friends to accept someone as queer, rather than said queer person's family members). At least, I think that's why he suggested it. It may be part research, part therapy.

I'm queer. Actually, I'm pansexual. But I'm too lazy to explain what that is (if you don't already know it, look it up). I tend to think of 'queer' as a catchall phrase for members of the GLBT community. Completely vague, but still identifying.

Anyways, my brother recently found out via facebook that I'm not straight. My brother is a ridiculous homophobe, but things weren't too bad until spring break.

Hm. I really planned on writing about this another time. Oh well, what the hell?

My brother told me I was socially unacceptable and then called me a fat lezbo. Fantastic right? And then on top of that, my sister yells at me. She seems pretty convinced that being out on facebook is a death sentence. That, and I guess every single person that looks at my profile is going to assume that because I'm not straight, it means my siblings aren't straight. So basically she told me to go back in the closet so that people wouldn't think she's gay.

Fuck that. I'm not hiding myself anymore.

Anyways, now that I've done the whole angsty teenager thing (I can't too that for much longer - I turn twenty in October. Holy shit I'm getting old), let's move to a lighter subject, shall we?

So. Still looking at all the shit that's on my desk. I really should try to organize it at some point. But I'll be moving back home in a few weeks (damn you, summer, and your lack of school), so it's like, "Why bother?"

I'm starting to wonder where all this stuff came from. I'm not a pack rat, and not much of a fan of clutter. I seriously have thirteen different bottles of lotion. Who the fuck has that much lotion? And what kind of college student reads books on twentieth century music for fun? (In my opinion, a kickass college student.) And when the hell did I get so many necklaces? I hardly ever wear them. Except maybe my "balance" necklace. And the one with the elephant on it. Because elephants rock.

What the fuck am I even talking about?

It's been a while since I've written a blog post about NOTHING.

I'm done. For the day? Week? Will I ever write here again?

Fuck if I know. I just got one of these things so I could comment on The Dresden Dolls' blog. (By the way, Amanda Palmer, if you're reading this, I think you should know that I'm madly in love with you).

Peace out.